4/23/2021 11:44:48 AM Energy transition and project execution: is it all green lights from here? By Tom Hutchison Vanessa Medina Natalie Keir Harry White +1 more... Show less The push for energy transition has brought significant changes in the execution of major projects. Furthermore, growing enthusiasm has...
4/16/2021 9:26:39 AM Energy and carbon taxes high on tax policy makers’ agendas By Anna Binder-Gutwinski Katharina Kubik The quest for more sustainable energy and carbon taxation systems is set to gain momentum as both the EU and the OECD have put these...
4/16/2021 12:00:00 AM CJEU Advocate General clarifies that family ties established in one Member State must be recognised across the EU By Carsten Wendler Stuti Gadodia Alexander Grimm Roopa Mathews +1 more... Show less On 15 April 2021, Advocate General Kokott issued her legal opinion in Case C-490/20, a request for a preliminary ruling with far-reaching...
4/16/2021 12:00:00 AM NGO brings case against Belgium's central bank for alleged climate failings By Anthea Bowater Anne-Laure Vincent Simon Orton David Livshiz Tim Mak +2 more... Show less In the first case of its kind, the NGO ClientEarth has brought proceedings against the Belgian National Bank (BNB) on the basis that the...
4/14/2021 8:17:54 AM OTC derivatives and ESG finance – what role can they play? By Richard Hart Matthew Dodwell According to Bloomberg, in 2020, the global market for sustainable debt grew to $732bn, an increase of 29 per cent on 2019. A significant...
4/13/2021 4:52:58 PM The ILA Guidelines for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources : a roadmap for investment regulation? By Rory McLeod A helpful tool to guide States and private actors The International Law Association’s new guidelines on the Role of International Law in...
4/6/2021 7:38:48 AM Can energy transition herald a different approach to project structures and risk? By Tom Hutchison Vanessa Medina Increased global support for the energy transition and the growing reliability of renewables technology has resulted in a shift in how...