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Freshfields Sustainability

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Reposted from Freshfields Risk & Compliance

ESG around the world: The evolving regulatory landscape for financial services firms

Financial services regulators around the world recognise the threat of sustainability change to financial stability and the role of financial institutions in the transition to a net zero economy. Regulators are intervening in a number of ways, such as setting criteria to help financial institutions assess which activities can be considered sustainable so they can be labelled appropriately, and requiring the integration of sustainability considerations into financial institutions’ governance and risk management practices. Corporate disclosure regimes and additional disclosures for financial institutions are developing at different paces and in different ways, while regulators are imposing new rules to mitigate against greenwashing.

On Monday 17 June 2024, a panel of senior Freshfields lawyers including Alison Hashmall (New York), Doug Bryden (London), Elisabeth Øverland (London), Emily Smith (London), Janina Heinz (Frankfurt) and Matt O’Callaghan (Hong Kong) participated in a live webinar in which they discussed the changing regulatory landscape for financial institutions and what firms can do to navigate the different requirements in their jurisdictions and across borders.

To access a recording of this webinar, please click here.

This is the fifth webinar in our series on global trends in financial services and regulation. Information on future webinars in the series will follow in due course.


asia-pacific, climate change, esg, financial institutions, regulatory, uk, us, regulatory framework