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Freshfields Sustainability

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Reposted from A Fresh Take

Life sciences – what to watch in 2025

We asked more than 200 Freshfields lawyers – across geographies and practice areas: what are the 1-2 issues top of mind for you and your clients going into 2025?

Here are the ten topics most frequently identified as areas to watch in 2025.

  1. Antitrust – maintained levels of heightened scrutiny and enforcement.
  2. Global protectionism – trend of increased restrictions to continue?
  3. Drug pricing – ongoing refinement of government programs.
  4. US litigation – increased focus on diligence clauses. 
  5. EU litigation – changes and uncertainties. 
  6. EU/UK regulatory oversight – ongoing reform. 
  7. MedTech - ongoing expansion and evolving legal issues.
  8. Deal-making - recent trends in biopharma. 
  9. ESG - increasing regulation in life sciences sector.
  10. US public health agencies - landscape under the Trump administration. 

Read the full report here.


Many thanks to the numerous Freshfields lawyers who contributed to this piece.


2024 elections, antitrust and competition, life sciences transactional, m&a, medtech, foreign investment, litigation, regulatory framework, life sciences, political change, us, uk, europe