7/1/2024 1:24:15 PM Further greenwashing enforcement in relation to sustainable funds in Australia By Simon Orton Anthea Bowater Maisie Stewart The Federal Court of Australia (the Court) has ruled in favour of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in two...
5/9/2024 4:14:23 PM Key takeaways from Freshfields' Sustainability Horizon Scanning webinar By Teresa Ko Ninette Dodoo Sebastian Fain Philip Morgan Gordon Palmquist Joaquin Terceño Don Methven Nicola Jones Sam Cheung +6 more... Show less On 24 April 2024, Freshfields’ sustainability experts distilled for our clients the most pertinent global and local developments in key...
4/25/2024 9:57:15 AM Greenwashing in the spotlight - recent developments in the Netherlands By Mijke Sinninghe Damsté Alvaro Pliego Selie Felix Roscam Abbing Jan-Jaap Koningsveld +1 more... Show less On 20 March 2024, the Amsterdam District Court rendered its judgment in a class action case brought by the Foundation Fossil Free...
3/3/2023 11:02:45 AM Greenwashing and litigation risks in Germany - the case of financial institutions By Stefanie Fay Lukas Pfister Martina de Lind van Wijngaarden Increasing ESG regulation across Europe affects the compliance obligations of banks and other financial services providers. Greenwashing...
7/13/2022 9:02:33 AM ICMA clarifies use of ESG bonds for securitisation in new publications By Sarah Murray Reena Parmar Marcus Mackenzie On 28 June 2022, the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) announced a range of new and updated publications, intended to...
5/26/2022 10:43:32 AM ESG finance: investing in a brighter future By Peter Allen Joe Amann Reena Parmar The market for ESG finance has experienced significant growth in recent years, with almost €750 billion of ESG bonds and loans issued in...