10/12/2020 12:00:00 AM UK Modern Slavery Act: changes on the horizon By Peter Kerr-Davis The UK Government has published its response to a public consultation on the issue of transparency in supply chains. The response commits...
5/26/2020 12:00:00 AM OECD Global Forum: COVID-19 and Responsible Business Conduct By Iris Hammerschmid Marlen Vesper-Gräske Mina Aryobsei Katie Schwarzmann +1 more... Show less This year’s OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct kicked off last week, focusing on responsible business conduct in the...
4/2/2020 3:15:26 PM Former employees permitted to seek damages for breach of international law: the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Nevsun Resources v Araya By Vasuda Sinha The Supreme Court of Canada recently delivered a long-awaited decision in Nevsun Resources v Araya et al, 2020 SCC 5 , refusing to strike...
10/11/2019 9:37:48 AM The UK takes steps to eradicate modern slavery in government supply chains By Elizabeth Forster Last month the UK government published guidance to help public authorities identify and mitigate the risks of modern slavery in their...
8/21/2019 12:00:00 AM Taking stock of corporate social responsibility in Switzerland By Iris Hammerschmid Marlen Vesper-Gräske By: Mina Aryobsei, Iris Hammerschmid, Marius Scherb and Marlen Vesper-Gräske In Switzerland, calls for a law to hold corporations liable...
7/22/2019 12:34:10 PM Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Law adds to growing global body of corporate human rights legislation By Elizabeth Forster On 14 May 2019, the Dutch Senate took a historic step by adopting the Child Labour Due Diligence Law (Wet zorgplicht kinderarbeid) and –...
6/12/2019 2:17:42 PM Theresa May hints at imminent reform of the Modern Slavery Act following the conclusion of an Independent Review By Michael Quayle At the end of May, the Final Report of the Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) was laid before Parliament. One of...
2/6/2019 12:13:59 PM UN Working Group on a convention to regulate transnational business and human rights – comments on the ‘zero draft’ due soon By Shirin Chua For over four years, a UN Working Group has been working towards a legally binding convention to regulate the activities of transnational...
11/29/2018 11:03:44 AM UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2018: Day 3 By Natalie Sheehan The roles played by investors, corporates and state-owned enterprises were in the spotlight on Day 3 of the UN Forum. A key theme was...
11/27/2018 12:00:00 AM UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2018: Day 2 By Michael Quayle Natalie Sheehan A focus on human rights due diligence continued into Day 2 of the UN Forum, highlighting the importance of factoring gender...
11/26/2018 12:00:00 AM UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2018: Day 1 By Michael Quayle Natalie Sheehan Key players in the business and human rights world congregate in Geneva this week for the annual UN Forum. Hard on the heels of the UN...
11/7/2018 12:48:24 PM UN Working Group reports on human rights due diligence By Michael Quayle The United Nations Working Group on business and human rights has published a report on trends in human rights due diligence,...