10/14/2024 9:50:29 AM What are the obligations under the LGBTI legislation for corporations in Spain? By Raquel Flórez Oscar Bellsolell Better late than never! With some delays over the terms set out in the LGBTI Equality Act [see our blog post covering the Act in more...
10/11/2024 1:33:00 PM Employment Rights Bill explained By Holly Insley David Mendel Anika Prasad In the nick of time before the expiry of its first 100 days, the government yesterday unveiled its long-awaited Employment Rights Bill....
9/2/2024 2:56:13 PM Towards balanced representation of men and women in decision-making bodies By Raquel Flórez Sara Moukayed The Parity Act, Organic Law 2/2024, of 1 August, on equal representation and balanced presence of women and men (the Act), came into...
8/9/2023 9:14:21 AM ESG and people – what are the key areas of focus for global businesses? By David Mendel Amy Rentell Amelia Lamp Global businesses are increasingly looking to embed people-related ESG initiatives. Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is...