5/18/2022 1:10:54 PM New UK Modern Slavery Bill announced as the UK’s FRC pushes companies to improve reporting By Victoria Sharp Michael Quayle In this post, we examine the new Modern Slavery Bill announced in the 2022 Queen’s Speech, a recent report published by the UK Financial...
2/17/2021 12:00:00 AM Human rights due diligence: the UK Government issues guidance to UK companies doing business in Xinjiang By Elizabeth Forster Katie Schwarzmann The UK Government has issued guidance to UK companies with business links in Xinjiang, where human rights violations are reportedly...
12/16/2020 12:00:00 AM Procuring UK major projects: does the advent of “value-based procurement” herald a loosening of the public purse strings? By Robert Colvin Kate Gough Last week the UK government published its Construction Playbook which sets out guidance for the future sourcing and contracting of public...
10/11/2019 9:37:48 AM The UK takes steps to eradicate modern slavery in government supply chains By Elizabeth Forster Last month the UK government published guidance to help public authorities identify and mitigate the risks of modern slavery in their...
6/12/2019 2:17:42 PM Theresa May hints at imminent reform of the Modern Slavery Act following the conclusion of an Independent Review By Michael Quayle At the end of May, the Final Report of the Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) was laid before Parliament. One of...
11/7/2018 12:48:24 PM UN Working Group reports on human rights due diligence By Michael Quayle The United Nations Working Group on business and human rights has published a report on trends in human rights due diligence,...
9/28/2018 1:23:59 PM Podcast: How sanctions are nudging business on forced labour By Caroline Doherty de Novoa Stephanie Brown Cripps talks with Ian Welsh on the Innovation forum podcast about how governments – particularly the US – are...
8/29/2018 12:27:15 PM Money laundering risks from human trafficking: new FATF/APG report By Michael Quayle By Emily Feirman Where there is human trafficking, there is usually money changing hands; financial institutions should examine their own...
7/24/2018 11:44:43 AM Legislative efforts to tackle modern slavery ramp up in Australia and the UK By Michael Quayle With an all-new modern slavery bill before the Australian House of Representatives and increasing calls for reform of the UK Modern...
6/19/2018 12:00:00 AM Modern Slavery: The End of the Beginning? By Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Freshfields was honored to host a two-day conference last week presented by the Innovation Forum focusing on how business can tackle...
5/29/2018 12:04:15 PM Hong Kong’s changing landscape for modern slavery issues By Peter Chang By Peter Chang and Emily Holland The laws of Hong Kong have always prohibited slavery, but recent developments have brought its modern...
3/23/2018 12:00:00 AM New Human Rights Lawsuits Filed in U.S. Federal Court By Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer It would appear that the prediction of additional disclosure-based lawsuits alleging modern slavery in product supply chains following...